Today he is 2 months old.
It just doesn't seem like 2 months. It seems like a lot longer. In a great way :) I feel like he's always been there looking up at me googly eyed after his naps.
I love the smiles he gives me when I mimic his noises, I love it when he laughs at my Crazy Little Thing Called Love routine ala Freddie Mercury, I love it when he talks in his sleep, I love it when he links his abnormally large big toes together and I love his bobble head.

I'm still feeling like someone is just letting me babysit this sweet baby but it's the best baby-sitting job I've ever had!! :)
My mom texted me today to remind me it was his 2 month birthday. She was eating a sandwich called the Gabe Special, turkey, avocado on Dutch crunch bread. In honor of today. I love you 2 month old Chubby Bubby, my lovey, Baby Gabey, Gabey Beluga in the deep blue Sea.
Mmmm, dutch crunch. I wonder if the factory would FedEx me some. Congratulations on 2 months, and good luck with those 2-month shots. Ouch.
yay little Gabe is so cute. He's getting so big. what a cutie
SO SWEET! I love the toes!
look at you guys and your darling little baby! so cute!
What a sweet boy! I felt like I was babysitting Paul for the longest time!
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