Thursday we went over to our friends Jay and Maranda's house to play a board/card/strategy game called Marvel Heros. Yes, a grownups comic book game. SO complicated and it took 4 HOURS. But the boys (Nate, his brother Daniel and Jay) had so much fun. Maranda and I kind of gave up in the end and just chatted. The boys got a little frustrated whenever it was our turn, but we were having too much fun talking!

Saturday we had a ward picnic at Ft. Lowell Park. Nate had a blast playing Three Flies up with some guys from the ward while I had a great time watching Jay and Maranda's kids. We got together with them, and Nate and Bethany Price (some more friends from the ward) and played Marvel Heroes again, and played Super Smash brothers. Nate had a lot of fun. It was kind of a boring night for me, but Nate sure had fun.
Today we got a new game we ordered a week ago, called Vikings. It is a lot like Settlers of Catan, but different game play. It was really fun, now we are looking for people to play it with. Hint hint! :)
That's FABULOUS! I'm so glad you have friends down there. And two games in 20 minutes is awesome. I'm quite impressed, and baffled.
I need to stop playing with so many friends, I stay up too late and don't get my homework done :(
YAY for friends! I miss you guys! Even if I totally didn't understand Killer Bunnies, it was way fun! I need to come visit someday! You are way better at this blog thing than me!
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